Day 13 Ramadhan, 2021

"O my Lord! Make me one who performs As-Salat, and (also) from my offspring, our Lord! And accept my invocation." -(Surah Ibrahim, verse 40)

Saltwater Aquarium 101 - Bumble Bee Snail

Some say its yellowish and black stripes, hence the name bee, but from what I see, its black and white stripes. Like any other snail, it likes to roam around and clean things along the way.

Last year we chased away the Boxer Shrimp from eating both Bumble Bee and Turbo Snails as its combo meal, it even looks like those snails are protecting each other.

For now, we can't find it anywhere, and not sure if it's still alive and hiding or already been eaten by the shrimp (@_@)

Eat to Live

Today's main dish made: Bihun Singapore

Charity Suggestion for Today

National Kidney Foundation Malaysia
Bank Details:
0140 1145 0041

Till then, my prayers for you and your family 🌷
