Day 5 Ramadhan, 2021

"Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower." -(Surah Ali 'Imran, verse 8)

Saltwater Aquarium 101 - Chiller

Out of all saltwater aquarium equipment, chiller uses the most current electricity, but of course, depending on the type of chiller and manufacturer's note. That's part of the reason why we only turn it on when the weather is extremely hot. However, we'll always opt for other options; put frozen packs of water in the aquarium or the usage of fan (next chapter).

Does it matter if the water temperature rises?
Imagine this, if we can feel extremely uncomfortable during sunny days, then those fishes/corals, they're suffocating. Warmer water holds less dissolved oxygen (because the molecules are moving faster thus allowing oxygen to escape from the water), leads to marine life stress, leads to their death.

What if the temperature is lower than the range?
So we're talking about tropical species from tropical area (regions of the Earth that lie roughly in the middle of the globe). Tropical marine life thrive in a range of temperature. Lower temperature can cause the fish to be inactive, sluggish and soon die. The same goes to sensitive corals. So it's best to ask first before buying, if the marine life can live together or not.
Eat to Live

Today's dessert made is Pengat Pisang

Charity Suggestion for Today

Humanitarian Care Malaysia
Bank Details:
5515 7500 4299
5642 5856 0698

Till then, my prayers for you and your family 🌷
