Day 11 Ramadhan - Stay at Home

"The volume of your voice does not increase the validity of your argument"

Self-Study Today: We Are All Thinkers

A: Did you know that, no matter how precautious we are, the world is still too big, fill with numerous kinds of people.
B: And you're trying to imply?

A: That one of the reason critical thinking is important is for self-defense.
B: You mean, us asking the right questions can save us from disaster strike?

A: If we allow ourselves to be influenced by things that contradicts our values and beliefs, we may be harmed. Critical thinking can help immunize ourselves by being able to differentiate the good and the bad.
B: Yeah, "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything". I found this video, let's watch;

Eat to Live

Today's main course cooked is Rendang Ayam

Food for Thought

Pretty much sums up my indoor exercise handling the youngster.

Till then, my prayers for you and your family 🌷
