Day 19 Ramadhan - Stay at Home

"People with average IQ's outperform those with highest IQ's due to higher EQ."

Self-Study Today: V.U.C.A.

A: VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity. A concept that states the current situation of the world. VUCA is the new norm.
B: Since you're talking about it, I want to share about this webcast from BrightTALK that I listened today. It's about how to leverage EQ to close more sales in this VUCA world.

A: EQ? Emotional quotient, the ability to identify, understand, manage your own emotions and influence other's emotions.
B: Yes, that EQ. The speaker was talking about finding ways to sell by identifying our prospects' personality using the B.A.N.K concept;

(B)lueprint = inside the box personality type, guided by plans and rules. A bit reserved, they cannot be rushed.
(A)ction = outside the box personality type, these people are on fire. They are guided by instinct and work in fast speed.
(N)urturing = warm, sunshine, smiley faces personality type. Guided by intuition and ethics. They go above and beyond to help others succeed.
(K)nowledge = these people love learning, technology, expertise. They're the ones who engineered the box. Very challenging to sell because they close the sales themselves. They sometimes have this analysis paralysis syndrome.

A: So we need to identify first what personality type they have and approach accordingly?
B: Of course everyone is a mix of all four, but we need to know in what order so that we can tackle the most portion that they are inclined to.

A: How to know which portion I'm more inclined to?
B: There's this web the speaker shared, crackmycode, you can try.

A: I still don't get it, how to approach these personality types?
B: To quote, "the BANK concept is a lens through which we can understand ourselves and others better, increasing our EQ". After identifying profiles, these are part of methods from the speaker's summary on how to approach them accordingly;

(B)lueprint = stay within their budget, excellent written details describing the product/service, positive recommendations/ratings.
(A)ction = media/social buzz, reviews in relevant publications, automated recommendations (e.g. "You purchased C, you may be interested with Z")
(N)urturing = quality of the presentation of the product/service, knowing the company makes a contribution to a worthwhile cause.
(K)nowledge = when they have the time to do full due diligence on the purchase, having the information they need to make the smartest decision possible.

Eat to Live

Today's main course cooked is Pan Seared Salmon

Food for Thought

Till then, my prayers for you and your family 🌷
