Day 18 Ramadhan - Stay at Home

"Do you mean to tell me a stress ball isn't for throwing at people who stress you out?"

Self-Study Today: Burning Out

"I'm done. Whatever", throws everything~
"I can't take this anymore", walks away~
"I'm so useless", cried the eyes out while munching something~

A: Have you ever gone through those emotions? If yes, then the feeling is mutual. Mostly everyone will go through this phase at some point in their life, be it major or minor.
B: Because after all, we're normal human beings, and there's nothing wrong with that.

A: That being said, we still need to take action and not just go moping around for weeks or months.
B: There's no universal solution for this case right? Each being has their own preferences on how to overcome it.

A: True, some prefer to meditate, some would just want to disconnect and be at the moment, some would like to...the list goes on. And if they still can't find one, then go and talk to somebody. People can't help you if you don't tell them. We don't have mind reading superpowers, for crying out loud.
B: Even if we can have superpowers, I wouldn't choose mind reading. That's a whole lot of distraction. Urgh.

Eat to Live

Today's dessert made is Apple Coloured Jelly

Food for Thought

Till then, my prayers for you and your family 🌷
